About Our Technology

Dental fillings
Root canal

About Our Technology:
Cosmodent Dental Care (One of the Best Dentist in Dhaka) is equipped with all the latest tools and modern medical equipment to give you the best possible treatment in a friendly environment. We have the latest RVG (Radio Visual Graphics) system from KODAK; a world Leading Company. We use following Equipments for the comfort and better treatment of our patients by Dr. Haider Ali Khan

(One of the Best Dentist in Dhaka)
- Digital Dentistry and RVG System
- Latest Autoclave Machine
- Hot air woven to preserve the instrument after Autoclaving
- Advanced Dental …
- High Quality Endo Motor and Apex Locator
- Automatic mixing machine for preparation of Filling materials
- Automatic Vacuum machine for transparent retainer,
Benefits o f Digital RVG System:
- Minimized Radiation
- Faster Results
- Post Processing Capability
- Analog To Digital
- Superior Grey Scale
- Provide coloring image
- Provide length calibration facility

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